Wild Pakistan: Mammals

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April 15, 2014

Because of its diverse landscapes, Pakistan is home to many unusual animals. Here are just a few of the amazing creatures the country has to offer:

Sand Cat

The sand cat is a small feline that closely resembles a house cat. This small animal lives in desert areas throughout Africa and parts of Central Asia. The nocturnal cats have a fluffy coat to keep warm during the cold desert nights, and this fur also helps protect them from the hot sun. They also have fur on their paws so that they don’t burn from the heat of the sand, making them difficult to track. These cats also dig burrows into the sand where they rest during the heat of the day.


Ladak Pika

The Ladak Pika is a small mouse-like mammal found in the very north of Pakistan and parts of China. These adorable little critters only get up to nine inches long as adults. They live in valleys of the mountainous region, at elevations of 14,000 to 17,000 feet.  Ladak Pikas live in burrows, and dig deep during the cold mountain winters.



The Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan. This wild goat is an endangered species, with fewer than 2,500 animals in the wild. Their distinctive horns grow curled, and can reach up to five feet in length on male goats. Females also have horns, but these reach only about a foot.


Marbled Polecat

Marbled Polecats live throughout parts of Europe and Central Asia. These solitary creatures live in mostly forested areas, and have long bushy tails. Their bodies are on average a foot long, with their tales being another five to six inches. They mostly hunt using smell, and prey on small mammals. During the mating season, male polecats’ fur changes to an orange color.


Striped Hyenas

Striped Hyenas live throughout parts of Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. They are mostly solitary animals, and are rarely seen in groups larger than four. Males reach up to 90 pounds, while females only reach 75 pounds. Striped hyenas have a mane that grows down their back, and this is used as a signal in social interactions.


Indian Grey Mongoose

The Indian Grey Mongoose lives in an area ranging from South Asia to the Arabian Peninsula. This small animal is famous for being able to eat poisonous snakes. It is one of the few animals fast enough to not be bitten.  Their bodies reach up to a foot and a half, while their tales are another foot long. Mongooses live in hollow trees or shallow burrows. 


Asiatic Black Bear

The Asiatic Black Bear is also called “moon bear” due to the curved patch of cream-colored fur on its chests. The length from their heads to tails reaches up to six feet. In southern regions, the bears do not hibernate during the winter, and instead migrate south. Asiatic blacks bears are also known for walking on their hind legs more than other bears. They are omnivores, and often will climb nut trees and lounge in them while eating.
















